Saturday, November 19, 2011


Green Technology, a non-profit initiative, is designed to inform government efforts toward sustainability. By providing a forum that the government can communicate with those in the private sector, who are developing and distributing green technologies, Green Technology is trying to help us move toward a brighter future.

They hold events in parts of California to have the government and private sectors meet with the public, to inform one another of possible green technologies and solutions.

Their next event is on April 26 and 27, 2012 in Sacramento. More Info

I think the more events and opportunities we have to bring the government and private sectors together the better chance we will have educating them, and the public, of all the possibilities. Knowing what we can do to slow down the distraction of the planet, and what our solutions are, or could be in the future, is a great step towards living green and making better decisions. 

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