Monday, September 12, 2011

Bikers vs others

I've been taking the train to school for 4 years now. Most of the times I drive to the station, but recently I started biking to the station, which means I have to sit in the "bike cart" of the train; the personalities and attitudes of bikers is so much different than others. The bikers seem to be friendlier, more respectful, and seem to be having a better time than the rest of the train riders. One reason might be because the bikers have something in common, but I think it's also because bikers usually wake up earlier, most of them eat breakfast, and not to mention biking in the morning is a really good workout, no matter how short or long the ride is. Biking not only saves money, morebeco-friendly, and healthier way to commute, it also makes people be friendlier and actually smile!

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